Richland Chambers Fishing Photos From Midway Landing

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All of these Fish pictures from Richland Chambers Reservoir are taken of our customers here at Midway Landing.

Grand Kids

09cat.JPG (162044 bytes)  Guide Joe Pratt 4.04 Sand Bass? Possible New Lake Record Pending Verifcation maggie & edna 8lb Bass on a Tailhummer 8/10/04 32905yc.JPG (219750 bytes) 57lb Blue Cat Clarks 3/29/05 

Buddy Aguado 9.48lb Bass 3/7/04 Maggie& Edna 46.5 Blue Cat 1/2/04 Larry Winters 7.20 Bass 03/17/03Janeen Stockwell 8.1lb Black Bass 03/17/03Raymond Lafour 59lb Flathead 03/20/03Leland Lomosad  Channel & Blue cats 4/13/03Bill Franklin 77.2 lb Flat Head 12/15/03   

James Vetuski 33lb Blue Cat Nov 02 Eddie Compton 39lb blue cat 11/21/02Ron and Orville Davis 73lb Yellow Cat 11/24/02Ivan & Bill Limit of Channel cats & Blue catsDoug Green From Deer Park 8lb Bass 3/10/03Stewart Thrower, Doug Sherber, Fred Albers 41lb Blue Cat 3/12/03Gary Hammond Magnolia TX  12.4 Black Bass 03/16/02

Edna Pruitt Blue Cats Largest 27lbs  9/17/02Ken Matocha  Loretta&Gail Eiben 71lb Flat HeadJaneen's second good catch at MidwayLarry Winters 10.70 black bassEddie Compton 27lb Blue Cat 10/12/02Bill Franklin 29lb Blue Cat 10/22/02James Vetuski 31lb Blue Cat nov 02


More Fish Photos From 2002 and Before